Monday, March 17, 2008

A Night of Boredom

Well the roomies and myself got a little bored one night and this is what happened......

We even had the nerve to go outside our apartment....... we even went to go see some of the boys we knew in these little outfits... Hence the reason we are all still single.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My first adventure in Idaho....

Once upon a time there were six girls, who were room mates. They decided to go down to Utah for a weekend to see a missionary farewell. They pile into the two cars and head out. The driver of the car I was in turned to me and told me that she was glad that I "get them" They are a little bit on the odd side but oh so much fun. When we are done with the missionary farewell we pack up and decide to go to another room mates house for that night and the next day. We had a three day weekend. So we drive up to the Bear Lake area and stay the night. It was wonderful. It starts snowing a little so we decide to leave before it gets too bad. This is where our adveture begins. :) SO.... we are driving along and the windshield wipers in the car I'm in arenot working too well. We pull over to fix them. We get a phone call from the other car asking what had happened to us and we tell them. They pull over to wait for us. We get on our way and this is what we come up on.....
Yeah they had pulled too far over and got stuck in the snow. Luckily a nice man with a chain came by and pulled them out. We are on our way again. The car that had pulled too far over told us to get in front, which will turn out to be a good thing later on. About an hour later we look behind us and the other car is nowhere to be seen. We get a phone call and it is them. We cannot understand a word they are saying because they are laughing so hard. All we could understand was that there was something wrong with the tire on their car. So we turn around and find them. We get out of the car to take a look at the tire and this is what we saw...
The entire wheel was gone!!! There wasn't anything to attach a spare tire to. So naturally we go to find the tire that flew off the car. We go walking down the highway at night looking for this tire. We turn and look back and we realize there was no way they could have driven that far with only 3 wheels. SO we go back and decide we needed to think about this logically. SO we turn and look behind the car a little bit and low and behold we see jump marks. We look out into the snow and there is the tire. We go out to get the tire and the snow comes up above MY knee. Meaning it was a good 2+ feet deep. Since I was the tallest person there I was the one to venture out into the snow to actually retrieve the runaway tire. And in case you were wondering tires are a lot heavier than they look. Then I made the trek back up the little hill to the car. Here is another picture of the car with the MIA tire that was found.
Anyway, when got back up to where the car was I put the tire down and looked at my hands. They were completely black, from the dirt and grease, and they were beginning to freeze. We get some snow and water to clean off my hands some. Which really wasn't the smartst thing to do but I already couldn't feel my hands so we figured what the heck. Then they started to thaw. It hurt so bad I just wanted to cry. But I toughed it out and got all the feeling back to my hands. We called a tow truck and they were on their way. Little did we know, the tow truck was in the process of picking up someone else and had to take them to somewhere else. So in the mean
we had tons of fun. If you look at the picture ----> you can see the black that was still on my
hand. So 2 hours later!!! The tow truck finally comes and we all pile in the one car and drive home. We get home in time for curfew with about 5 minutes to spare. We were pretty happy about the whole thing.