Friday, May 30, 2008

Rodeo part DOS!!

OK so this is the video that I promised.

So now the story with this video........

So it was my turn and i was still getting the vest duct taped to me. I get up there and the guys are telling me what to do. They tell me to get on the steer and that there was going to be a couple guys holding the steer and one holding me. I was just like why do you need to be holding me. Well it was a good thing that he was because that steer was moving all around and I would have fallen off in the shhot with the steer. That would not have been fun. So then they were waiting for me to gives the OK that I was ready. I did it and the steer went and then this was my thought process..... 'Oh crap, I'm sliding to the side, going under the steer, oh no thats not good.' Then I hit the ground. My next thought was, 'Oh no. Here comes the steer!' Then I remembered they told us to get away from the steer as fast as possible. So I roll and get up. I am not breathing at this time mind you, from falling and getting the steer on me, the wind had been knocked out of me. The announcer guy, the one in the black shirt, saw what happened of course and was asking me if I was OK and what not. I shake my head yes because I could not breath to talk. I get back there and they take the vest off of me, but I don't remember them doing it. Then I hear people yelling at me and it was the paramedics. They wanted to look me over but I told them I was fine. I wasn't hurting at the time and I did not want to be the pansy that got checked by the paramedics.

So I go to the doctor today because my back has been hurting really bad. They took some x-rays and the conclusion as of yet is........ my back is not broken. I just bruised my spine and it is causing my muscles to spasm. So all in all I am totally fine I just have to take it easy for a while.


As part of the Spirit Week thing we have a fun activity also. This year they decided to do a rodeo. It was soooo much fun!! I was part of the rodeo, and there is a video of what I did on it I just don't have it yet. So that will be posted as soon as I can get it on my computer. I have a few pictures from the activity to hold off for the time being.

Spirit Rally Relay Race

All this week is spirit week at school. It is kinda like homecoming just not because we do not have any sports teams at BYU-I. It is way fun though. Last night we had a the spirit rally, and we ran a relay race of 50 laps around the track, or 12.5 miles. We did not have 50 people to run it so some people had to run twice. I was one of those people and I just about died!! I don't run here in Idaho. The air is so much thinner that I start to breath funny and almost die from lack of oxygen. But anyway, I have a few pictures from the rally.

Ashley and I. She is my new favorite person in the WHOLE WORLD!!!

Me, Puff, and Ariana shortly after
the race. We all lived through it.

The ward after we finished the race. We got 4th which is the closest we have ever gotten to winning the race. We were in 3rd until the last 100 yards and our guy, in the pink cape, got passed. He almost died when he got over the finish line. Well he almost passed out not died.

Our ward cheering it up trying to win the spirit award. We were a very, very close second we were told. The ward that won used big metal trash cans as drums, and had a ton of people there. Our ward was still louder than their was even though we had about half the people they had. So basically we should have won but we did not. We were a little bit upset about it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First rain....

In Rexburg, the precipitation of choice is snow. I personally would beg to differ. I hate the snow. So, naturally, the day when it actually rained for the first time, everyone went to play in it.

Unfortunately, since it was the first rain, there was all kinds of oil in the water. When you walked outside you could smell all the oil. It really was kinda gross.The most fun part of the playing was the round about. It flooded in about 10 minutes of raining. So what do the intelligent college students do??? Oh, they go and stand by it waiting for cars to speed by to splash them with the oily water. It was really gross because sometimes you would be talking to someone next to you and all of a sudden you would get a mouth full of nasty, cold water. Unfortunately I was not able to get pictures of us at the round about. I know sad.
My fabulous room mate and I after we decided we were done being frozen by the cold water. BTW we could totally see our breath the whole time we were playing in the rain. It was great!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Saturday I went to the Yellowstone. It was so much fun. It was pretty rainy and it started snowing on us quite a bit but it was ok. We still had a blast. We made a lot of really good fun memories. Many animals were seen. We had a goal that we wanted to see to specific animals while we were there, and we were 1 for 2. Next time we go we are going to stay longer so we can see the othere one.

Here are some pictures from there and I will put a picture of our goal animal...

Entering Yellowstone. The people in the picture starting from left to right are Kelsey, Niccol, Josh, Puff, Me, Summer, Chelsee, and Carinne.

This is me, Chelsee and Niccol

Here is the group again. We just had so much fun.

We saw a moose! This was no the goal animal at all it was a bonus. Seeing a moose never ever crossed our minds.

These are some beautiful waterfalls that we saw while driving that we flipped a U-ee just so we could get the picture.

This was our goal animal! Yeah we saw BEAR!! It was so awesome! There is a little bit of a funny story that goes along with these pictures... We were driving along and we saw a build up of cars. We were just like GREEAAT. We all had to go to the bathroom pretty bad, so we were not looking forward to the traffic jam. Then we saw that people were out taking pictures of something. So we were a little curious as to what they were all seeing that we could not see. We drove up a little, and we thought that maybe it was a buffalo really close to the road and then we got a clear view. The girl that was sitting in the middle was freaking out because she wanted to get out to take the pictures. She went on to slam the head of the girl on the other side of her into the window, and just about trampled her on her way out. Luckily she is OK and did not sufer any injuries besides a sore head. Then the ranger came up to everyone and told us to get back in our cars and get moving, because we were too close to the animal. There is a rule in Yellowstone that you have to stay 100 yards away from bears and wolves. I guess they are a little dangerous. So we got in our car drove to the other side of the ranger truck and took this picture. He went on to honk his loud horn/siren at us so we left before we got kicked out of the park.
Our other goal animal was a wolf, but alas we did not see one. Maybe next time......

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I AM my father's child

I have realized now that I am away from home that I am a lot more like my father than I ever thought I was. I will give some examples....
We have a problem with dishes making it into the dishwasher in my apartment and I can't handle the sink being filled woth dishes it blocks the sink so you can't use it (that was a dad thing to say) and so one day I looked at the overflowing sink and was just overwhelmed by it so I go and open the dishwasher and.... IT WAS COMPLETELY EMPTY!!! As I looked and chuckled to myself about it, my room mates come home. I tell them to take a look at what I had just discovered and went on to say this.... "How much time does it take to just put your dirty dish in the dishwasher? Like 5 seconds more?" And went on to load the dishwasher. As I was doing so I became appalled with myself because I realized that I had heard those exact same words all my life from my dad at home.
Another thing is that I used to fold my laundry and not really pay attention to whether it was right side out or inside out. I didn't care I could put it on either way it was. This drove dad nuts. And now that I am up at school I will be folding my laundry and if I see a shirt is inside out then I have to fix it. Even if I have already folded it I have to unfold it, fix it, and then re-fold the blasted thing!
Now the real clencher is about a week ago my room mates were talking about something that we needed to get done. I think it may have been something to do with cleaning again I'm not real positive, but I asked them this "When are we going to get this done? Thursday?" I just about died!! When I said that. My dad had said that to us when we were growing up in reference to my sister and I cleaning our room or really doing anything. Thursday was his favorite day until we started teasing him about it and he doesn't say it anymore.
So thanks dad for all your little sayings that have been embedded in my brain and they just come out when I don't even realize it.