Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I AM my father's child

I have realized now that I am away from home that I am a lot more like my father than I ever thought I was. I will give some examples....
We have a problem with dishes making it into the dishwasher in my apartment and I can't handle the sink being filled woth dishes it blocks the sink so you can't use it (that was a dad thing to say) and so one day I looked at the overflowing sink and was just overwhelmed by it so I go and open the dishwasher and.... IT WAS COMPLETELY EMPTY!!! As I looked and chuckled to myself about it, my room mates come home. I tell them to take a look at what I had just discovered and went on to say this.... "How much time does it take to just put your dirty dish in the dishwasher? Like 5 seconds more?" And went on to load the dishwasher. As I was doing so I became appalled with myself because I realized that I had heard those exact same words all my life from my dad at home.
Another thing is that I used to fold my laundry and not really pay attention to whether it was right side out or inside out. I didn't care I could put it on either way it was. This drove dad nuts. And now that I am up at school I will be folding my laundry and if I see a shirt is inside out then I have to fix it. Even if I have already folded it I have to unfold it, fix it, and then re-fold the blasted thing!
Now the real clencher is about a week ago my room mates were talking about something that we needed to get done. I think it may have been something to do with cleaning again I'm not real positive, but I asked them this "When are we going to get this done? Thursday?" I just about died!! When I said that. My dad had said that to us when we were growing up in reference to my sister and I cleaning our room or really doing anything. Thursday was his favorite day until we started teasing him about it and he doesn't say it anymore.
So thanks dad for all your little sayings that have been embedded in my brain and they just come out when I don't even realize it.


Laura said...

This cracks me up! I found out the same thing when I went to college and it only manifested itself more after I got married.
Keep up the good work at looks like you're becoming quite the little clean freak!

Karen Nelson said...

Oh Lissy....this made me laugh so hard! I can hear Dad saying all those things too!
Good job! You make your daddy proud!(and Mom).

The Bald Eagle said...

Oh Yeah! There you go! It would have saved some frustrations at home if these tendencies would have manifested themselves much earlier while you were still at home. But, it's nice to see that some lessons are learned eventually anyway. Keep up the good work!

Cassie said...

I totally remember him saying those things also...especially the Thursday thing! Just wait until you are working at a day care, dealing with an unruly child and you get down directly in front of their face, tell them how they are misbehaving, and "that I DONT LIKE IT!" That was a scary day!

Charlissa said...

OH been there done that. I said that to some of the kids when I worked at the elem. school, and I did not realize I had done it until now...... Thanks Cassie