Friday, October 3, 2008

Loopy Lippy

So I got my wisdom pulled this morning and it wwnt really great. They gave me a sedative and laughing gas. I was not completely under but I was gone. I fell asleep and then the next thing I know they are telling me to stand up and walk over to another chair. I was like wait a minute aren't you going to pull out my teeth? Apparently they already had.... who knew?!!! So I sit up in the chair and the ground is moving under my feet and the room is rocking back and forth. I look at the lady and say, "you want me to get up?? Yeah thats not happening." She responded with its OK as long as you stand up we will guide you to the next room. I was just like OK but the room is moving all over the place. I get into the next room laying in one of the wonderful dental chairs, and i get a text message. Naturally I have to answer the text..... I was seeing about 2 and a half phones in my hands and it really made it difficult to respond to the text. I did though and the lady came in and was told me that I was not allowed to text yet. And I said oh well ok then I apologize. They were all laughing at me. I was pretty silly I guess. The doctor releases me to Dad and then we are walking out to the car and I took a corner a little quick and my world took a little bit to catch up to me.... it was kinda cool. Dad held onto me the rest of the time to the car even though i was fighting him a little telling him I was fine and didn't need help. So we get in the car and I look in the mirror for the first time and this is what I see.....

As you can see my cheeks were already a little bit on the swollen side. Granted it could have just been the fact that my mouth was loaded up with gauze, but still they looked swollen to me. When I saw this I turned to dad and said, "Dad, we need to get a move on I am already swelling, and I don't want that to happen sir." He laughed at me and told me that we were getting there. Then I looked at where we were and I was like where the heck are we??? Then I remembered where we were and everything was good. After that i just took a liitle bit of a look at my mouth becasue it was sooooo incrediblely dry and this is what I saw...... This a a little gross for those with weak little tummies.
Are you seeing what I saw??? There was blood all over my lips. I was kinda like eww that is nasty. Then dad was like oh you have been kissing on Edward Cullen now haven't you and I was just like yes, yes I have...... if only... that would have been awesome. But so anyway I am home now and I have taken all the meds I needed to. I almost died in the process of doing that but I am OK now. I'm just chilling here in my bed waiting for Zach and Chase to get home so they can take care of me, because dad had to get back to work to teach some flight controllers or astronauts or something like that. I am icing my face down which BTW I cannot feel anything from my top lip down to about my neck. it is pretty cool. And this is what I look like right now.
Yes those are socks and that is me attempting to smile. I took one picture and I looked so pathetic I didn't think I should put it up here, so I trued smiling and this is what I got. Thats all for now folks. I think I am going to try to goto sleep now I think the meds are starting to kick in a little bit... I am beginning to see things double again. :) Not majorly but a little bit and it is kinda hard to type like that. So peace out and if anyone wants some entertainment you could probably give me a call I I would be all kinds of fun to talk to most likely.


Charlissa said...

Oh and they didn't even numb be for the blasted IV and it hurt, AND he had to do it twice!!! He blew the first one and then he went to my hand oon the other side. and it pretty much killed. OK not really but it sure didn'y feel good at all

Karen Nelson said...

Well, I think you look dang good after all you have been through this morning. And you have a sense of humor that just cracked up Cassie and I.
I am glad the boys will be there to take care of you soon. Keep texting because you may not feel like talking.
Love ya, Mom

Laura said...

Gosh, you look so cute in all of your pictures! Haha, when I got my wisdom teeth out, I was numb on the way home and drooling something terrible. I couldn't feel it though and my mom laughed so hard when she looked over at me because there was so much drool down my chin.
You're a trooper! Does the medication make you sleepy? It made me so sleepy...I just slept for hours and hours!
Hope you're feeling better soon! Love ya!

Charlissa said...

It does make me tired but if I wanted to stay awake I could, but I don't want to stay awake so there you go.

Sister Rippstein said...

Man.. I dont remember much about getting mine out. I had mine out pretty early though.. had to be either freshman year of hs or in intermediate school. Super early. Who'da thunk that OUR mouths arent big enough?? haha.

One thing I do remember is that it seemed to go pretty quick, and that at one point I zoned back in after counting and they were workin in my mouth and there was a tube of blood coming out and I FREAKED OUT!!!! and then i dont remember anything till I was being wheelchaired out. I didnt swell much at all and I feigned hurting more than I was so I could get off longer from school/band (whichever it was, or both).

Sounds like fun! You sounded goofy hahaha I love it I wish I'd known to stop by and see ya :P