Last week in my Book of Mormon class, we learned about the stripling warriors. My teacher did a huge focus on the fact that they were taught such great morals and principles by their mothers. During this discussion we talked about our mothers and read lots of quotes from prophets about mothers. I got a little bit on the emotional side because I miss my mom so much. There was on quote in particular that i thought my mom completely exemplifies. It was said by Sister Margaret Nadauld,
"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity."
My mother has taught me all these qualities. I have yet to master any of them but I am working on it. My mom is such a great mother. I could not ask for a better one. I have learned so many things from her. She taught me how to clean, and cook, and to do my laundry, and to pray, and to forgive, and to love. I have been taught so many other things by her, but I don't want this to be a forever long post.
We started talking about how the mother is the nurturer of the home. I mean when you feel sick or are hurt or have had a bad day who do you want? Mom. Or I know I do. I also learned the art of nurturing from my mom. She did a great job at nurturing us, and she still does.
My teacher went on about some other things but he had gotten my mind going by now and I was basically in my own world, reflecting about things.
So naturally, I started thinking about what I go to my dad about, and what i have larned from him. The first thing that came to my mind was for my spiritual needs. When I am struggling spiritually, my dad is always there for me. My mom is too, but my dad holds the priesthood. He gives me blessings when I ask. I am so thankful that he was always prepared and worthy to give us belssings as kids when we needed them most. I know the priesthood has greatly blessed my life through my dad. Here is another quote shared in my class about fathers and I think my dad did a fantastic job at doing this.
"May you always provide for the material needs of your family and, with your eternal companion at your side, may you fulfil your sacred responsibility to provide the spiritual leadership in your home." - Pres. Ezra Taft Benson
I have learned a great deal from my dad too. Like why settle for mediocre when you can be outstanding. I also learned what I want in my eternal companion. My dad puts on a real tough guy attitude, I blame the Navy for that one, but he really is a very gentle and caring man. He is on of the most respectful men I have met when it comes to a woman. I have learned how i should and should not be treated and what I deserve. I also learned to rely on the Lord when it is hardest to do so. And many other things.
Thank you mom and dad for everything you have done for me. Y'all are pretty much the best. I am soo grateful that I picked you as my parents!
Charlissa, you really do have great parents. In the short time I have known them, I have learned so much from them. I really couldn't have asked for better in-laws. One of the things I've learned most from your parents is leading through love and acceptance. What a blessing for you to be raised in their home.
Also, that quote definitely describes the amazing woman your mom is.
Wow! You made my day Lissy. My months probably...maybe more. I never expected this blog and you are right, it is good I did not read it at work. I would have cried like I did at home.
Thanks for everything you said. Sure does help when you are sent great kids who are your best friends!
Thank you too Laura!
They really have been and continue to be my role models! No question.
Word up. I'm thankful for visiting teaching that brought our families together. You have a wonderful family and they produced a wonderful friend I have here at school!! Love you all!
Wow! You made my day Lissy. My months probably...maybe more. I never expected this blog and you are right, it is good I did not read it at work. I would have cried like I did at home. Thanks for everything you said. Sure does help when you are sent great kids who are your best friends! Thank you too Laura!
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