Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not again....

My sophomore year of high school I got the ingenious idea to take up skateboarding. My career was short lived and pretty much non-existant. Tragically, it ended with me lying in the middle of the street with a busted up ankle, and the neighbors yellinng at me to get out of the street because a car was coming. My ankle has never been the same since.


I bet you all thought I was dumb enough to try the skateboarding career again. Well I did not.

Last night in an amazingly played volleyball game, I went up and blocked the ball, and made it go down on the other side... Yay point for us! But.... on my down from being in the air, someone moved, and I landed on the foot of a girl on the other team. It made my ankle twist and roll and pain there was lots of pain. I was on the ground with my ankle in the air. I heard it pop about 5 or 6 times, so I knew I was hurt pretty badly. I get up and try to see if I could put any weight on it and that was so not happening. I hop over to the side and get some ice. It is already nice and swollen, and it had only been a couple minutes. One of my team mates sisters is a nurse practicioner here in the Rexburg area so we head off to her house so I can get checked out. She examines it which did not feel real good since she had to kinda poke around on my foot, and told me that if she were to just diagnose it right there she would say it was broken. Great thats all I need is a broken ankle. So 2 of my roommates and my team mate head to Madison County Hospital, so I can get X-rays done. I get there and get into triage in a matter of minutes... the joys of living in a small town. They examine it too, which still did not feel good, and determine that I need x-rays.... duh I could have told you that one. They take the x-rays and come back in and tell me that it is too early to see if it is fractured. So they gave me an air splint and some crutches and told me that if it doesn't get any better in about a week then I should go to the orthopedic surgeon, and have him take a look at it. So today I have been iceing it and keeping it elevated and taking pictures of it. It looks pretty wicked.


Karen Nelson said...

go to the orthopedic!!!

Charlissa said...

No worries it is not broken. I can walk on it without it hurting if I have my aircast on it, and if it was broken I would not be able to do that. And the swelling has gone down a ton.

Joseph, Cherise, and Colton said...

Oh my goodness girl! Hope your ankle gets better!

Cassie said...

I've seen this a couple times and always get distracted before I can comment, but....HOLY CRAP! Did you cry? That thing is HUGE!

Charlissa said...

Oh yeah I cried. It hurt. It still hurts. It is not as swollen but it still is a little bit. I'll survive. What is going to suck is when I go see Adam and Laura... Adam is going to make me do physical therapy type stuff with it... That is going to hurt.

Sister Rippstein said...

hey! an update from Texas!! Coming soon??