Sunday, April 6, 2008


So this past friday we got some people together and played fome flag footbal. IT WAS AMAZING!! It was in the 30s that night. We were going to play in the stadium we have here at BYU-I which has astro-terf, unfortunately the lights were not turned on for us so we had to go to the lower playing fields. It was all grass. The snow has begun to melt so it was way wet there. We got really really wet. Now time for my totally awesome story..... The other team was doing a kick off and the ball came right to me! Well it kinda hit a few yards in front of me and then i picked it up and was off running down the field. I was doing a great kick return, I was dodging all kinds of people. Then one of my roommates, on the other team, came towards me. I dodged her and then due to the wetness of the field she slipped and fell right in my way. In an attemp to keep the ball alive, I try to jump over her. In that attempt one of my feet hits her knee and I go flying through the air. You know how when you watch football games in slow mo and the guys are flying through the air and their air and legs are flailing around..... well thats what I did. Then I noticed the ground was getting closer to my face. Then my face makes contact with the grass and water and mud. I totally face planted!! After the initial stun of impact, I roll over, and everyone is around me, asking me if I am OK and what not. I was. Just a little stunned. So one of the boys helped me up and I almost fall over backwards again! After I got my balance back I was like "OK LETS PLAY FOOTBALL!!" I didn't get any pictures of the immediate after math of great fall. Here is a picture of us afer we got home. There is still dirt on the right side of my face.


Laura said... are amazing! You're very hard core about the game. I would've just given the ball to the other team so that I wouldn't get hurt. Way to be dedicated!

Charlissa said...

What would you expect.... I am a Nelson. And you know how competitive we can be...

Karen Nelson said... are only 1/2 Nelson and I would never have done myself in for a ball!! Guess you do not take after me in that aspect.
I am impressed that you look so good after being face planted in the mud!!