Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Choose your horoscope....

So these are the horoscopes that are posted in a newspaper here in Rexburg called, The Voice. I thought I was going to die laughing when I read some of these just because it made me think of people in my family. I seriously laughed for about 5 minutes and I had tears streaming down my face. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Due to your bed wetting, buying those plastic sheets was a great investment. Now only if they sold plastic lined pants.

A good test of a mans ambition is if his alarm clock is his best friend or his worst enemy. But being BFF is going a little too far.

Anohter semester is gone; another three months you're not getting back

Don't worry, dandruff is back in style.

Stop putting words in other peoples mouths. I don't think they appreciate having novel pages shoved in their mouth.

Have you ever wiped so hard that you've seen red dots on the toilet paper?.... Yea... me neither!

You'll run into an old fling this week; that booger you flung on the wall

You're thinking about getting that BYU-I sticker for your car, but you're worried it'll distract from the RULDS2 sticker.

Don't worry, you're going to get terrible grades.

You will find a chicken McNugget shaped like your heart this week. It too will be chewed up and spit out.

Working out is more effective when you actually lift weights in the gym, instead of walking around looking for people you know.

The unsolicited advice you give to the construction workers will end up with you getting a nail gun to the head.


Mother Goose said...

THanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...
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beckee said...

Hi Charlissa! This is Beckee Johnson (Wes's wife) I saw your blog linked to Laura's and thought I would check it out. Looks like you are having fun at school!

BTW-Wes is a Cancer and read his horoscope...he said the red spots aren't from wiping...

We have a blog you can check out if you want to. It is www.beckeeandwes.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Great work.