Friday, October 14, 2011

Fun Fun Fun

I was able to go to the most AMAZING CONCERT EVER!!! Journey and Foreigner!! I had soooo much fun at it! They were so good!!!! I have some videos but I can't figure out how to get them from my phone to my computer..... I will have to figure it out later.

They played all of my favorite songs too. My friend and I tried to sneak down to the floor level during one of the songs, and we actually made it down there. We were going past this one lady and she asked to see our tickets. We were busted. We totally would have made it if we had cut down one of the rows before we got to the lady. We got too ambitious.... so we went back to our seats and watched the rest of the concert from there.... until the end and then we smooth talked another lady and she let us all the way down to the row right before you got to the floor. My phone had died by then and the last song was Don't Stop Believing... I was pretty sad that I couldn't get a video of it was ok. There was confetti and fire and it was very extravagant.
During one of the ballads, Open Arms, I got the whole lighter thing going on. Until someone came and told me no lighters..... really no lighters??? I was flabbergasted.... So I had to resort to my cell phone..... Lame!... Since when could you not do lighters at a concert???

Well that's about all I have to say about the whole thing.... It was amazing, and as soon as I figure out how to get the videos from phone to computer they will be up here.

In the mean time here are a couple pictures of me that I took tonight....

The one above is almost the smile I give to the guys at work so they will do whatever I want.... It works every time. They pretty much don't know what hit them.... as Adam says I am the bossiest person he knows.... the guys I work with don't even know I am being bossy, and I love it. I love that I can get them to do whatever with just a little smile and an eye flutter.... HAHA!!! The really funny thing is that my general manager knows it and he takes complete advantage of it too! He will have me tell the boys to do things all the time because he knows the power I hold.... He has been victim of it as well so he knows. Haha.... anyway moving on...

A somewhat funny face. I kinda missed my "cheese" buddy while I was taking these..... made the funny faces not as much fun, and not as funny.

And I just figured out how to get the videos from phone to computer, so be ready for videos to come. And don't judge me in the videos, I was way excited and did not care that I was off key and sounding awful.
Peace and Love!

Oh and P.S. Dad I was able to get the pictures from our adventure to Las Vegas so I will blog those soon for you too.

And I know this post is a little all over the place but that's just how my brain is going right now. Be glad you aren't in my head.