Friday, December 19, 2008


My neighborhood has a tradition where they get Santa on a firetruck and he rides around a waves at all the kids. It is a great little tradition that they do and I just love it. This year I took a video with the camera I received for my birthday.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Shut the state down!!!

So it snowed here in Houston and people did not know what to do. I will explain.... So I am driving home from my mothers work and it starts to snow. I was not happy to say the least. I'm driving on a highway and there are people in the cars next to me rolling down their windows, and then they proceeded to stick their head out the window and stare up at the sky. Does anyone else see a problem with this at all??? They were still driving while they were doing this. I was getting all kinds of frustrated with people, and yelling inside my car that it was just snow and that they needed to watch the road. And then here comes the one that just about did me in.... there was a man with his head out the window looking at the sky and some of the snow got him in the eye, so the natural reaction is to close your eyes and he did just that. He also started freaking out while he was still driving and started to swerve a little bit. I have decided that when it comes to driving in snow Texas drivers are worse than Utah drivers. And that is saying something.

Here are a few pictures of the backyard with the snow everywhere.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I've done

I got bored and thought I would copy what Laura had done on her blog...
The things I have done are in orange.

1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community (I do this for fun...they're everywhere in Ohio)
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelos David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycl
e79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So this is a little late but I thought I would still put it up. Since I had to work on halloween I did not wear an actual costume, but I sure did my make-up. These pictures were taken a few days after halloween so I'm wearing a little bit of a "costume", but the face do I have was what I did for work. I eventually had to take off the black lipstick...... I was scaring little children...

Just a really sweet picture I happened to take...

Some cool effects..... I'm not quite that white.... I'm real close to that though... :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I went to Dallas this weekend and had soooo much fun. I went to visit Ashley. We were going to go to the BMX championships but alas it was moved to somewhere in Washington. We were very sad about the whole thing. We looked up what else was going to go on this weekend and found a concert that we noth wanted to see. It was for a band called, Forever the Sickest Kids. Theye are pretty much amazing. They are part of a new genre called power pop, which is kinda like punk rock but not. I highly reccomend them because they are awesome and they do not swear in any of their songs which adds to the awesomeness.
So about the concert..... Ash and I got to be in about the 5th row back from the stage and in the middle. It was great until about half way through the first band's show. They told the children that were there to basically start moshing, just not violent, and to crowd surf. Ashley and I ended up having to saving the little 15 year-old girls around us due to the stupidity of that band while we were trying not to die ourselves. It was horrible. We did not like them pretty much at all. After they were done we got out of the middle. The second band was better, but still not great. They kept dropping the F bomb. Which is pretty much the only thing that I did not like about them. Then came the third band. The band we ahd been waiting for. They were AMAZING!!!! Ashley and I got to meet the lead singer from the band too. He and his friend liked Ashley and I because we were pretty much the only girls there that weren't 5. We were talking and starting up a pretty good little conversation and his manager was like ok jonathan you need to get a move on, you have other fans here. So we left.

This is the headlining band that we did not care about....

Ashley and I after we almost died...

We recovered....

Us and Jonathan Cook, I have a pretty big crush on him at the moment and I'm trying to figure out a way to convert him so I can marry him.... :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Final Twilight trailer

OK I saw this and got all kinds of excited!! I cannot wait until November 21st!!!

The Frog and the Tupperware......

OK so we have to dag living in our house right now due to the blasted fences being broken from the hurricane. The fences are propped up so we can let Shadow out in the backyard so she can take care of business. So this morning I walked over to the back door, opened it, and called for the dog to coem on out onto the carpet so she could get to the backyard. She goes outside and waits by the door for me to join her. So nonchalantly I start to head in the direction of going out the door and I grab the door handle as I am going so I can close the door behind me. I did not want to cool all of Southeast Texas. And as I grabbed the knob, my hand touched something unexpected. It was a little wet. I just thought there was something yucky on the knob until I heard a soft thud on the ground.... I look down and this is what i see.

Yes a tree frog!! I kinda start to freak out because I just really do not do well with the whole reptile and amphibian families of creatures. Then it starts jumping further in the house and oh my gosh I almost lost it..... I am the only one home mind you...

So what do i do you may be asking yourself...... I do what anyother good Nelson woman would do. I ran into the kitchen abd got a tupperware bowl. I came back and it had jumped onto the fireplace ledge, and it was like right on the corner so i could not put the bowl on top of it and really trap it underneath the bowl so I try just making loud noises and movement around it. Not a real good idea. The frog proceeds to jump towards me, and again the freaking out resumes. I scream a little and back away. The frog then starts to jump towards the open door, I no longer care about cooling Southeast Texas. I was all kinds of excited, and then it veers off to the left and gets into all the gaming equipment and cords behind the entertainment center. I tried kicking the toy guitar to get it to move and it would not move. Then all of a sudden it makes a mad dash and it is right by the exit to the outdoors. The frog ran under the door towards the parents room. I was just thinking to myself, "Well if it gets in there at least mom isn't home for a few more days so the boys have time to find it....." Then one thing led to another and it ended up hiding between the fireplace and the movie shelf. I was not real happy about this. I almost left the house to wait until a boy got home in about 3 hours. But before I did so I grabbed a flashlight so I could possibly locate where exactly the little sucker was, and by the time I had come back with the flashlight it had come out of hiding. It was in the middle of the floor. Perfect position for the tupperware bowl to go on top of it. So I get on top of the fireplace, because my thinking was that I would be safe up there I mean it is not like the frog had already been on the fireplace.... I drop the bowl and kinda freak out because I was all prepared for me to miss it or for the frog to jump out from under the bowl before it hit the ground. But I had it. I had the frog under the tupperware bowl!!! Now came the part of getting it back outside. So inch by inch I slide the bowl across the ground, jumping away from the bowl everytime the darn frog would jump and hit the bowl. Then I got to the ledge it front of the door that prevented me from being able to just slide the bowl outside and lifting the bowl in the frogs domain. I was real scared lifting up the bowl to let the little guy out because what if he didn't go the way I wanted him to go and I had to start all over again. Luckily, I lifted the bowl and he jumped to his freedom. I quickly stood up and closed the door and locked it, like the frog was going to break in, and let out a sigh of relief. Oh and the dog just watched me during the whole ordeal, just cocking her head to the side and looking at me.... Yeah i was not real happy about that either.

So after a good fifteen minutes of trauma I have recovered. I just really wish I had had a video camera to record it for everyones enjoying pleasure but alas I did not and you will just have to picture it all in your mind. And mom and Cassie it was very similar to the night of the geckos...... just nothing had to die this time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Loopy Lippy

So I got my wisdom pulled this morning and it wwnt really great. They gave me a sedative and laughing gas. I was not completely under but I was gone. I fell asleep and then the next thing I know they are telling me to stand up and walk over to another chair. I was like wait a minute aren't you going to pull out my teeth? Apparently they already had.... who knew?!!! So I sit up in the chair and the ground is moving under my feet and the room is rocking back and forth. I look at the lady and say, "you want me to get up?? Yeah thats not happening." She responded with its OK as long as you stand up we will guide you to the next room. I was just like OK but the room is moving all over the place. I get into the next room laying in one of the wonderful dental chairs, and i get a text message. Naturally I have to answer the text..... I was seeing about 2 and a half phones in my hands and it really made it difficult to respond to the text. I did though and the lady came in and was told me that I was not allowed to text yet. And I said oh well ok then I apologize. They were all laughing at me. I was pretty silly I guess. The doctor releases me to Dad and then we are walking out to the car and I took a corner a little quick and my world took a little bit to catch up to me.... it was kinda cool. Dad held onto me the rest of the time to the car even though i was fighting him a little telling him I was fine and didn't need help. So we get in the car and I look in the mirror for the first time and this is what I see.....

As you can see my cheeks were already a little bit on the swollen side. Granted it could have just been the fact that my mouth was loaded up with gauze, but still they looked swollen to me. When I saw this I turned to dad and said, "Dad, we need to get a move on I am already swelling, and I don't want that to happen sir." He laughed at me and told me that we were getting there. Then I looked at where we were and I was like where the heck are we??? Then I remembered where we were and everything was good. After that i just took a liitle bit of a look at my mouth becasue it was sooooo incrediblely dry and this is what I saw...... This a a little gross for those with weak little tummies.
Are you seeing what I saw??? There was blood all over my lips. I was kinda like eww that is nasty. Then dad was like oh you have been kissing on Edward Cullen now haven't you and I was just like yes, yes I have...... if only... that would have been awesome. But so anyway I am home now and I have taken all the meds I needed to. I almost died in the process of doing that but I am OK now. I'm just chilling here in my bed waiting for Zach and Chase to get home so they can take care of me, because dad had to get back to work to teach some flight controllers or astronauts or something like that. I am icing my face down which BTW I cannot feel anything from my top lip down to about my neck. it is pretty cool. And this is what I look like right now.
Yes those are socks and that is me attempting to smile. I took one picture and I looked so pathetic I didn't think I should put it up here, so I trued smiling and this is what I got. Thats all for now folks. I think I am going to try to goto sleep now I think the meds are starting to kick in a little bit... I am beginning to see things double again. :) Not majorly but a little bit and it is kinda hard to type like that. So peace out and if anyone wants some entertainment you could probably give me a call I I would be all kinds of fun to talk to most likely.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Twilight Trailer #2!!

I like this one a lot. It shows a little more. I don't know how I feel about them basically flying instead of running real fast but whatever. If they do not do a good job on the movie then they will have a ton of very very angry people on their hands.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4th of July!!

I totally forgot that I had not made a post about my July 4th activities. I went white water rafting and then went on to the Bear Lake area. It was sooo much fun! It was much better than working, which is what I have done for the past 3 July 4th's.
On Friday the 4th we got up at either 5 or 6:30, I don't remember the exact time. All I knew was that it was early and I did not want to be up. So we drove there and the leader did not really know how to get there so we got lost a couple times. It was great... So we finally get to where we wanted to start our rafting. The water was soooo high and moving extremely fast. I think the ranger guys there said it was moving at 18,500 somekind of inches a minute or something like that. All I knew was that it was faster than when I had gone in September. I was a little nervous about doing it considering when I had gone in September there was no question as to whether the guys with us weighed more than me. Well this time it was different.... There was no question in my mind that I weighed more than the guys on the trip.
Our first run down the river was great. I was really looking forward to seeing Big Kahuna, but I found out that the water was too high for it to be any rapids. Big Kahuna was my favorite rapid that we went down in September. Then I found out that it was OK because there was one that would take the place of Big Kahuna. It is called Lunch Counter. Apparently on that rapid 1 in every 4 rafts flip. I was a little nervous about this just because I did not want to get out of the raft inthe middle of a huge rapid like that one. We hit the rapids perfectly on it!! It was amazing! There are people that jsut chill by the rapid and watch the rafters go down it. They were cheering us on and we were all yelling because of the awesomeness of the whole thing.
Our second time down was a different story though..... We changed up the seating arrangements which should not have been done. The guys decided that they wanted to try some rapids that we missed in the first run..... Not a good idea. So the first real rapid that we hit caused a little bit of a problem. There was a rock that we did not see until we were basically right on top ot it, and when we went over it some of the people stopped paddling which is a big no-no. The back of the raft, where I was seated, got sucked back into the water, and there was a moment where I was not sure if I was still in the raft or in the water. It was a moment of great fear for me, because I knew that if I was in the water more than likely I would have died. The water there was churning in a circular motion so it would be like I was caught in an undertoe, only swimming parallel to it would not get you out if it. I would have to wait for it to spit me out and who knows when that would be. Scary I know. But we were able to get out of it after a lot of struggling and some hardcore paddling. Then we got to the Lunch Counter again, and we did not hit it right. I was praying the whole time that we would not flip, and my prayers were answered. We did not have as good of a ride but we did not flip thank goodness. Then we decided to pull off to the side and watch people and just relax a little. That was another not so good idea, nothing bad happened it just took forever to get out of the place we were and it made us really tired.
After we were done we went to my room mates home in the Bear Lake area and we watched the fireworks and then lit some of our own. On Saturday, we went to Bear Lake and played in the Lake and the sand.
It was so much fun!! I am so glad that I was here for it!!!
Now here are the pictures from the trip...

This is all of us before our first run.

After our second go at the Lunch Counter.

The best picture of the rapids we got. They look pretty cool to me.

Only in Idaho, would you need a blanket on the 4th of July.

The boys were very sleepy and fell asleep while Niccol read them a bedtime story.... aren't they just precious. :)

I don't have any good pictures from the Lake but it was real real fun.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I need to put a caution on this blog entry..... If you have young children in the room, it would be best to distract them..... the following is a little on the scary side and I do not want them to be frightened. I don't think many of you will be able to look at me the same way after you see what I did for the talent show for my ward, but I am totally OK with that.
So in preparation we went to the DI for our outfits. Did you know that the DI has an ENTIRE section of jean jumpers???? Well they do, hence the outifts we are wearing.

This is the part that may scare young children...... My face is the best in this picture! I laugh so hard everytime I look at it.......

Now that you all see the get ups and what not up close and personal I will show the video..... It is a good one. :)

Now this is the end of my humiliation..... Judge if you will.....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The first completed scene for Twilight!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Monkey Rock

There is a place here called Monkey Rock. At Monkey Rock there is a bridge with a pretty deep river running under it. So what do college students do??? Oh they go and jump off the bridge. It is a lot of fun!!! Mom stop freaking out, I didn't do it. I have no problem standing on the edge or sitting on the edge but as soon as I thought about jumping I would start freaking out and psych myself out.

After everyone had had their fill of jumping off the bridge, we went to the real area called monkey rock where we played in the water. There are waterfalls there too that we were able to swim under and walk behind them. It was so cold but soooo much fun. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing
This is us behind the falls.
In front of the falls. Sooo pretty!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Porter Park= AWESOME PARK!!

For FHE last week, we decided that we wanted to go to the park for our activity. This park is a great park. Iy has swings, and open fields to run around in. It is just great. What makes this park different from others???? It has a water area and it is like playground equipment with water!! It is so awesome! My FHE group went and played in the water there. Many of the other FHE groups were there at the park doing a variety of different activities, but we wanted them all to join us. We went and got them, and it pretty much turned into an unofficial ward activity, because basically the whole ward was there, minus a couple apartments. It was soooo much fun.

This is my beloved 30th ward! It is the BEST ward ever!!! I just love it and I really don't want to leave it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hostage situation gone bad.....

A friend of my apartment made the mistake of leaving his beloved Boise State hoodie at our apartment... The hoodie is our hostage. We made an audio tape for said friend and went to deliver the tape. Naturally, we had to go all out on the deliverance of the tape.

We get water guns and pantyhoes, and begin on mission: tape delivery. We get to the boys apartment and have gun in hand and pantyhoe over our face. We bang on the door and hide to the side of the doors, kinda like special agents. The door opens and he assault begins. We start shooting our guns, and they run behind the "chastity line". Little suckers!! We slide the tape to the boys, and begin to leave. Thats when all of a sudden the boys come out and are getting us back. We didn't think about that happening. We run out the door. We run around the corner to hide and come to the realization....... WE LEFT A MAN BEHIND!!!! The other girls wanted to just leave her. I thought otherwise.... I went for the door... it was locked... I knocked on the window and kindly asked one of the boys to open the door. The guys at the sink were yelling at him not to, and then they were yelling at him to open it. I did not understand why the sudden change of heart. Then I saw. They had a big jug filled with water, and I was their target. I tell the other girls to run, and thy are happy to do so. I begin to retreat as well. Just out of his reach. He turns to Puff, the one left behind, and starts to pour it on her, but she gets her hands free and is able to turn it onto himself. HE is now soaked!! I take this opportunity to run across enemy lines to get ammunition. I get a big glass for one hand and a smaller one for the other. I am not caught yet. I fill them with water, and oh no I have been spotted. Josh comes to get me, and I turn and throw all the water on him! He is trying to recover from the freezing cold water that ha just been thrown in his face, and he grabs me! I have been captured also! Puff and I are trying our best to get away/get the boys more with water. Josh is totally taking us both. The boys have captured all of our guns by this point and we are just trying to get what we can. This picture here was taken right after I got slammed in the head with my team members head. Did it hurt?? Yeah, it did.

We call a temporary truce while the tape is played. And by temporary truce I mean we, the girls, were basically forced into submission, as you can see by the picture. The tape had the conditions of the exchange. They must provide a dinner with every course, and it must be home cooked. It was all very simple. The boys tried to change the conditions, but we were strong and stood our ground!

Our innocent little tape delivery turned into an all out battle that the boys basically won. We only had one gun left and that wa after much begging to get it back. The gun belonged to another guys aparment and we had promised to give it back to them.

We are a little frightened because repercussions have been promised. Now we are going to lock our aparment and our living room window everytime we leave the apartment

Anyone have any good retaliations that we can do once the guys get us?? JonnyI know you have some..... hook a sister up!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


So I have introduced Chicken Roll-ups to a few of the guys here at school and now anytime I invite them for dinner that is what they want. The last time I made the chicken roll-ups, at the request of the boys, they wanted to come help make them. Dustin had never used a hand mixer before.... He was so excited to use it for the mashed taters. It was really cute he had that smile on his face the whole time he would use the mixer.

Sterling wanted toget his hands dirty so I gave him the job of rolling the roll-ups in the butter and bread crumbs. He really was more excited about it than the picture shows. He is just a goof ball.

Chelsee mixing the chicken and cream cheese, and Puff reading New Moon to all of us in the kitchen. We aren't obsessed or anything like that. :)

Bryan, Brooklin, and Randy eating dessert.

There were a couple other guys there, but I didn't get any pictures of them. I know sad. Oh well.

Oh and dinner was sooo good. I mean hello it was chicken roll-ups. After this dinner I was asked if I would teach some of them how to cook some other things. It was so much fun teaching them. I don't have any pictures, but it was a lot of fun!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Laura tagged me

4 Things you may not know:

  • I am a HUGE sports fan. I would choose to go/watch a game over anything girly anyday!
  • I could live in Idaho for the rest of my life
  • I have been up at BYU-Idaho for almost two semesters and have yet to go on a date. (Which I am totally fine with. I need to do well in my classes and boys are distractions)
  • I am an ear infection expert. Tell me your symptoms and I can tell you if you have an ear infection or not. (Just ask Cassie if it is true)

4 Places I Go Over and Over:

  • Class
  • Class
  • Church
  • Broulim's (Grocery Store)

4 People Who Email Me:

  • My mom
  • Mama
  • Karen
  • Mrs. Nelson

4 of My Favorite Foods:

  • Apple sauce
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Lasagna
  • Otter pops

4 Places I'd Rather Be:

  • I don't want to be anywhere else right now. The only thing that would make it better is to have my family here with me.

4 Movies I Watch Over and Over

  • Charly
  • The Sound of Music
  • Freedom Writers
  • Ice Age 2

4 People I'm tagging:

  • I don't think many people read this blog soooo if you read this consider yourself tagged. :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Rodeo part DOS!!

OK so this is the video that I promised.

So now the story with this video........

So it was my turn and i was still getting the vest duct taped to me. I get up there and the guys are telling me what to do. They tell me to get on the steer and that there was going to be a couple guys holding the steer and one holding me. I was just like why do you need to be holding me. Well it was a good thing that he was because that steer was moving all around and I would have fallen off in the shhot with the steer. That would not have been fun. So then they were waiting for me to gives the OK that I was ready. I did it and the steer went and then this was my thought process..... 'Oh crap, I'm sliding to the side, going under the steer, oh no thats not good.' Then I hit the ground. My next thought was, 'Oh no. Here comes the steer!' Then I remembered they told us to get away from the steer as fast as possible. So I roll and get up. I am not breathing at this time mind you, from falling and getting the steer on me, the wind had been knocked out of me. The announcer guy, the one in the black shirt, saw what happened of course and was asking me if I was OK and what not. I shake my head yes because I could not breath to talk. I get back there and they take the vest off of me, but I don't remember them doing it. Then I hear people yelling at me and it was the paramedics. They wanted to look me over but I told them I was fine. I wasn't hurting at the time and I did not want to be the pansy that got checked by the paramedics.

So I go to the doctor today because my back has been hurting really bad. They took some x-rays and the conclusion as of yet is........ my back is not broken. I just bruised my spine and it is causing my muscles to spasm. So all in all I am totally fine I just have to take it easy for a while.


As part of the Spirit Week thing we have a fun activity also. This year they decided to do a rodeo. It was soooo much fun!! I was part of the rodeo, and there is a video of what I did on it I just don't have it yet. So that will be posted as soon as I can get it on my computer. I have a few pictures from the activity to hold off for the time being.

Spirit Rally Relay Race

All this week is spirit week at school. It is kinda like homecoming just not because we do not have any sports teams at BYU-I. It is way fun though. Last night we had a the spirit rally, and we ran a relay race of 50 laps around the track, or 12.5 miles. We did not have 50 people to run it so some people had to run twice. I was one of those people and I just about died!! I don't run here in Idaho. The air is so much thinner that I start to breath funny and almost die from lack of oxygen. But anyway, I have a few pictures from the rally.

Ashley and I. She is my new favorite person in the WHOLE WORLD!!!

Me, Puff, and Ariana shortly after
the race. We all lived through it.

The ward after we finished the race. We got 4th which is the closest we have ever gotten to winning the race. We were in 3rd until the last 100 yards and our guy, in the pink cape, got passed. He almost died when he got over the finish line. Well he almost passed out not died.

Our ward cheering it up trying to win the spirit award. We were a very, very close second we were told. The ward that won used big metal trash cans as drums, and had a ton of people there. Our ward was still louder than their was even though we had about half the people they had. So basically we should have won but we did not. We were a little bit upset about it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First rain....

In Rexburg, the precipitation of choice is snow. I personally would beg to differ. I hate the snow. So, naturally, the day when it actually rained for the first time, everyone went to play in it.

Unfortunately, since it was the first rain, there was all kinds of oil in the water. When you walked outside you could smell all the oil. It really was kinda gross.The most fun part of the playing was the round about. It flooded in about 10 minutes of raining. So what do the intelligent college students do??? Oh, they go and stand by it waiting for cars to speed by to splash them with the oily water. It was really gross because sometimes you would be talking to someone next to you and all of a sudden you would get a mouth full of nasty, cold water. Unfortunately I was not able to get pictures of us at the round about. I know sad.
My fabulous room mate and I after we decided we were done being frozen by the cold water. BTW we could totally see our breath the whole time we were playing in the rain. It was great!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Saturday I went to the Yellowstone. It was so much fun. It was pretty rainy and it started snowing on us quite a bit but it was ok. We still had a blast. We made a lot of really good fun memories. Many animals were seen. We had a goal that we wanted to see to specific animals while we were there, and we were 1 for 2. Next time we go we are going to stay longer so we can see the othere one.

Here are some pictures from there and I will put a picture of our goal animal...

Entering Yellowstone. The people in the picture starting from left to right are Kelsey, Niccol, Josh, Puff, Me, Summer, Chelsee, and Carinne.

This is me, Chelsee and Niccol

Here is the group again. We just had so much fun.

We saw a moose! This was no the goal animal at all it was a bonus. Seeing a moose never ever crossed our minds.

These are some beautiful waterfalls that we saw while driving that we flipped a U-ee just so we could get the picture.

This was our goal animal! Yeah we saw BEAR!! It was so awesome! There is a little bit of a funny story that goes along with these pictures... We were driving along and we saw a build up of cars. We were just like GREEAAT. We all had to go to the bathroom pretty bad, so we were not looking forward to the traffic jam. Then we saw that people were out taking pictures of something. So we were a little curious as to what they were all seeing that we could not see. We drove up a little, and we thought that maybe it was a buffalo really close to the road and then we got a clear view. The girl that was sitting in the middle was freaking out because she wanted to get out to take the pictures. She went on to slam the head of the girl on the other side of her into the window, and just about trampled her on her way out. Luckily she is OK and did not sufer any injuries besides a sore head. Then the ranger came up to everyone and told us to get back in our cars and get moving, because we were too close to the animal. There is a rule in Yellowstone that you have to stay 100 yards away from bears and wolves. I guess they are a little dangerous. So we got in our car drove to the other side of the ranger truck and took this picture. He went on to honk his loud horn/siren at us so we left before we got kicked out of the park.
Our other goal animal was a wolf, but alas we did not see one. Maybe next time......