Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First rain....

In Rexburg, the precipitation of choice is snow. I personally would beg to differ. I hate the snow. So, naturally, the day when it actually rained for the first time, everyone went to play in it.

Unfortunately, since it was the first rain, there was all kinds of oil in the water. When you walked outside you could smell all the oil. It really was kinda gross.The most fun part of the playing was the round about. It flooded in about 10 minutes of raining. So what do the intelligent college students do??? Oh, they go and stand by it waiting for cars to speed by to splash them with the oily water. It was really gross because sometimes you would be talking to someone next to you and all of a sudden you would get a mouth full of nasty, cold water. Unfortunately I was not able to get pictures of us at the round about. I know sad.
My fabulous room mate and I after we decided we were done being frozen by the cold water. BTW we could totally see our breath the whole time we were playing in the rain. It was great!!


Karen Nelson said... and your friends are NUTS! But it sure looks like you were having a blast.
Be sure and always save these pictures so your children can see them one day!

Laura said...

Y'all are crazy! I'm glad you're having a great time in Rexburg!

Cassie said...

I'm jealous....well not of the cold, just of having people to play in the rain with! Jonny is never home when it rains here. I guess I just have to teach my little girl the art of playing in the rain!