Friday, May 30, 2008

Spirit Rally Relay Race

All this week is spirit week at school. It is kinda like homecoming just not because we do not have any sports teams at BYU-I. It is way fun though. Last night we had a the spirit rally, and we ran a relay race of 50 laps around the track, or 12.5 miles. We did not have 50 people to run it so some people had to run twice. I was one of those people and I just about died!! I don't run here in Idaho. The air is so much thinner that I start to breath funny and almost die from lack of oxygen. But anyway, I have a few pictures from the rally.

Ashley and I. She is my new favorite person in the WHOLE WORLD!!!

Me, Puff, and Ariana shortly after
the race. We all lived through it.

The ward after we finished the race. We got 4th which is the closest we have ever gotten to winning the race. We were in 3rd until the last 100 yards and our guy, in the pink cape, got passed. He almost died when he got over the finish line. Well he almost passed out not died.

Our ward cheering it up trying to win the spirit award. We were a very, very close second we were told. The ward that won used big metal trash cans as drums, and had a ton of people there. Our ward was still louder than their was even though we had about half the people they had. So basically we should have won but we did not. We were a little bit upset about it.


Karen Nelson said...

Look at you all blonde again! The real Lissy is back!

Good going on the running. I could not make it to the end of our baby street if I were to run.

I am glad you have such great friend there!

Laura said...

I loved the spirit relay. I never ran, but I fully supported people like you! Can I ask which ward won the race and the spirit award?
My ward in the summer took home both when I was there. I'm just wondering if they still have the spirit.

Charlissa said...

The 8th ward won the race and the 31st ward won the spirit award.